For those of us who work and go to school, or just work or just go to school, we understand that these two things, work and school, are going to provide stress at some point. Some of us experience it everyday, some maybe twice a week...some even thrive and NEED stress so that they can keep moving.
But at some point, the stress may become too much. A lot of times, when the stress becomes too much, our emotions take over. We're angry, we're sad, we're irritable, we're unreasonable. We get these "bad" feelings and we absolutely refuse to acknowledge them. We hide them, put them away, whatever it takes to get through the day and accomplish what needs to be accomplished and for the most part, it works.
What happens when it doesn't work?
What happens when you've reached the maximum capacity of bad feelings stored away?
You snap.
You have a melt down.
You cry for the smallest thing and think the world is about to end for you.
And who knows how long it will take for you to recover from that? I'm not going to say that you must always let yourself cry when your day is going sour for you, absolutely not. For the most part, yes, you need to build some tough skin so that you don't break down at the smallest things. But you do need to find an outlet to release your stress.
And I'm not talking about ranting on twitter or facebook or snapchat (which I too am guilty of). I tend to forget that there are people on my side when it feels like no one is. I forget that I have access to a gym where I can run and lift weights and release the toxins in my body, which will make me feel better. I forget that I can go for a walk around my neighborhood if I don't feel like going to the gym. I forget that I believe in God and that I should be praying at ALL TIMES and not just when bad things are happening.
So in conclusion, I just want to tell you all, on this lovely Wednesday morning that the bad feelings we get are not entirely bad, it's okay to feel that way. But it's what you DO with it that counts. I was feeling horrible yesterday and I still do today to some extent but I prayed about it, I did my hair, put on some makeup, and dressed nicely for the ONE class I have today and that makes all the difference.
How do you cheer yourself up? How do you deal with the bad feelings you get?